Exploring the sense of touch for future interactions
Digital space transcends physical space - we can seemingly take our minds anywhere we like, talk to anyone in the world without regard for distance. But this leads to a wish to detach from our physical selves. Because of the ease of recreating and portraying audiovisual information, touch has been left behind.
Touch is one of the most basic and intimate ways that we gain knowledge of world. Our bodies are built for touching; touch grounds us firmly in physical reality and in the present moment. Begin so intrinsic to our bodies, touch is therefore also closely wired in to our minds and our habits of thought.
Tacto asks: how could we touch things that are beyond our physical reach? How can we re-embody digital interaction? How can we re-enliven our physicality for a digital age?
With Jen-Hsien Chiu, David Damshek and Nathan Chang.
Exhibited January 2017
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